Thank You Gerald P. for giving us a DGMS Blast From The Past with some pictures from The Creede Mine!! We used to have a bi-annual field trip there in August every other year, so many of our members will remember this place.
Gerald P. says:
I snapped a couple of photos of the entrance to the mine where the annual Creede Gem and Mineral Show is held.
The entrance had some issues so the whole face of the mine had to be removed and rebuilt. The rest if the work will be done in September.

For those of you that are not familiar with the Creede mine, here is some info taken from the Under Ground Mining Museum Website……
History: Blasted out of solid rock cliff by three Creede miners, construction of the museum began in 1990. County-hired laborers and volunteers completed all the other work, including rock removal, cribbing, rock batting and cement work. The next summer, tours were given to show actual mining in operation. The miners created 600 feet of drift with 22 displays, a gift shop and the Creede Community Center. While the Museum and Community Center have never been used for the commercial production of silver, the spaces were ‘mined’ from solid rock and are an authentic example of the methods and techniques used in the ‘boom’ days of the silver rush in Creede, Colorado.
Thanks Gerald!
If you have anymore interesting pics from cool rock related places you’ve been, let us know by emailing