WOW! Can you even believe the year is coming to an end?
It seems like only yesterday that our 62nd Annual DGMS Show was happening… but it happened… and it was FANTASTIC!!!! So many people, vendors, gems and minerals!! We have a special announcement from one of our Show Chairs:
On behalf of the Dallas Gem and Mineral Society, I would like to thank everyone that helped make our show great. This includes our many vendors that donated to our silent auction, the Hotel for helping with the space and the great food, our Club members for donating many of the rocks for the show and silent auction. I would like to send out a very Large Thank-You to our Volunteers – they are the very backbone of our show. They have spent many days and hours setting up, organizing, identifying specimens, loading and unloading the truck, and way too many things to list at this time. Looking forward to seeing all of you next year!
Sincerely, Lynn Couvillion
I’m looking to get some great pics from the show, but in the meantime here are a couple of the beautiful Fluorescent Display from this year! Unbelievable that nature produces such hidden beauties! Look so nondescript by day… but AMAZING under UV!!!

And can’t forget to let you know….
Our final 2019 club meeting (aka Party) is coming up soon! It will be held on Tuesday, December 17. Please bring a rock-related (gem, mineral, fossil, jewelry, lapidary, etc) wrapped gift valued at no more than $20. If you bring a gift, you will get a gift. There will be no ‘stealing’ of gifts, but feel free to exchange with each other after all gifts are opened.
We will also be having a pot luck dinner. The meat will be brisket made by Lynn Couvililon and a Turkey or Ham that will be paid for by the Club. We will need one volunteer to cook the turkey or ham. Please use the following link to sign up for the Pot Luck. Please review the list before adding your favorite recipe so we don’t end up with six green bean casseroles and no desserts.
Use the link below to access the pot luck signup:

Maybe think about topping your tree this year with Seraphinite!! If you don’t know it, it is a beautiful stone….
Seraphinite apparently acquired its name due to its resemblance to feathers due to its chatoyancy. Seraphinite is named after the biblical seraphs or seraphim angels.[1] With some specimens the resemblance is quite strong, with shorter down-like feathery growths leading into longer “flight feathers”; the resemblance even spurs fanciful marketing phrases like “silver plume seraphinite.” Seraphinite is generally dark green to gray in color, has chatoyancy, and has hardness between 2 and 4 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.