Dallas Gem and Mineral Society is excited to announce a new series we are starting: Rock’n Around Town! We will be highlighting local shops and Members of DGMS who sell rocks. Included in these posts will be a short interview with the owner, what their primary interest is, how they got started collecting, and photos of some of what they have available.
Our first stop is:
Body Logic Rock Emporium
4887 Alpha Rd, Ste 210
Dallas, Texas 75244

Stewart, the owner, is more than willing to share his vast knowledge of rocks with his customers. Don’t let the name of the company throw you. His primary business is selling products for the massage industry but has expanded in the last several years to include tumbled stones, jewelry, and mineral specimens.

Stewart recently acquired an unbelievable treasure-trove of an estate from an old rockhound and geologist that collected for decades. Being interested initially in the estate’s sphere machines (the gentleman focused primarily on carving and polishing spheres), Stewart soon realized he needed to have the whole lot! The massive collection included tools, machines, spheres, specimens, and about SIXTEEN 55 gallon barrels filled with assorted rocks including Jasper, Quartz, Jade, Agate, and more. There is even a 55 gallon drum that if full entirely of petrified wood. None of the rocks are labeled, and Stewart allows you to dig thru the barrels and pick out whatever you find, no matter the mineral, for one bulk price! It’s like the biggest rock grab-bag ever! (The price per pound is such a fantastic deal and believe me, it’s VERY easy to meet the 50 lb price break…)

There is also a large collection of minerals and specimens in the lobby that are for sale. Be sure to checkout the large petrified palm root.

Also on display, are these amazing mineral sample discs. It’s fascinating to see the wide variety of rocks, some which you may have never seen in real life!

Set aside some time to visit with Stewart at Body Logic Rock Emporium!