This site is under construction. Please forward any Lapidary Equipment Manuals to the Editor for placement in this section.
This is a collection of manuals to help club members maintain their equipment. A lot of lapidary companies have gone out of business during the decades of the 1900s and it is often difficult to locate manuals.
B&I 10 inch Gem Maker model 1422 manual
Giving an Old Rock Saw a Facelift
Display case plans from the Downloads Page ofThe Gem and Mineral Society of the Virginia Peninsula |
Ted Wilson rebuilt the feed on saw 14 using an Arduino to control a stepper motor. There is a usb stick in the controller that has a copy of these.
This needs to be copied and pasted into the arduino ide. Word press will not allow me to have the program file. you have to google Arduino IDE and down load it. Then open this file and copy the contents, paste into the ide program.