DGMS Meeting, July 16

Come join us tomorrow, Tuesday July 16, 2019 at 7 pm for our monthly meeting!

Dallas Gem And Mineral Society - Monthly Meeting

Special Presentation:

Jeff Star from the Arkenstone! 
Arkenstone is a Dallas based business that has the world’s most diverse gallery of collectible mineral specimens.  Open by appointment only, with thousands of specimens on display. They recently redid their public mineral auction site, and it is FANTASTIC! 
What a super exciting presentation!


DGMS - Dallas Gem and Mineral Society Monthly Meeting
DGMS - Dallas Gem and Mineral Society Monthly Meeting

And as always bring something to share for our potluck and we will be having a silent auction to help raise money for our big shop update!

Member’s Adventures: Linville Caverns, NC

One of our DGMS Members, Betsy Bloodworth, recently visited North Carolina and visited the Linville Caverns between Linville and Marion and was struck by the natural beauty of the rock formations. 

Linville Caverns is an active limestone cave system formed in a deposit of Shady Dolomite at the base of Humpback Mountain located in northern McDowell County, North Carolina.

This picture is of an area of the caverns with an unusual history. During the Civil War, deserters from both sides hid out here using the sandbar to build fires too cook food and keep warm since the average temperature in the caves is 52 degrees year round!

Unfortunately, we also want to highlight and inform you about White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) that is beginning to affect the local bat population at the Linville Caverns. PLEASE be aware of and follow any safety procedures the caverns (and any other local area) provide to help prevent the spread of this deadly disease. Bats are very important members of the local ecology.


Are you a DGMS Member that has been on an amazing rock adventure? Let us know and we’ll share your story!!

DGMS June Meeting!

What a fantastic meeting we had this month! Andy gave a fascinating presentation on everything SHARK! I personally love sharks (and have been scuba diving with them many times), but had no idea of the variety of different types of sharks that have been swimming in the ocean for MILLIONS of years! One of the most impressive thing about Andy’s collection was the patience he has to sort through and find micro-shark teeth, they were so tiny that you could barely see them even with a giant magnifying glass!

Thank You Andy!

And here’s some pics from our June Meeting!
Be sure to join us at our next meeting, July 16, 2019!!

Thanks to Lynn for taking the awesome pics!

DGMS Meeting, Tuesday June 18

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Fossils

Come join us tomorrow, Tuesday June 18, 2019 at 7 pm for our monthly meeting!

Our special presentation will be by Andy Nethery on Fossils and Shark Teeth. Bring your fossils and he will identify them for you!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Fossils

And as always bring something to share for our potluck and we will be having a silent auction to help raise money for our big shop update!

See you there!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Fossils

The DGMS Shop

Oh Man, our shop is looking FANTASTIC!

Thanks to Norm, Joy, and the DGMS Army of Volunteers our shop is getting a much needed cleanup and makeover! They have been working long and hard to clean up and fix the machines, which is awesome because the shop is as busy as ever!

If you aren’t familiar with the Dallas Gem and Mineral Society’s workshop, we’d like to share what we have to offer. As a paid member (that has completed the Qualifying Class) you have access to all of the machines PLUS the communal knowledge of the crew that is always hanging around the shop. Gotta question, just ask, we are always willing to talk your ear off about rocks!!

Our Shop includes:

7 Genies for all of your cabochon shaping needs

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Shop

2 Grinders, a Flat Lap, & a Dop Station!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Shop

5 – 12″ Slab Saws
4 – 18″ Slab Saws
2 – 24″ Slab Saws
3 Trim Saws!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Shop

And the newest addition to the Shop is this fancy new Keurig Machine!!!
Soda is available too! And don’t forget to leave a donation so we can keep the kitchen stocked with all your beverage needs!

Dallas Gem and Mineral Society - Shop

As much as the DGMS Army has already gotten done, we are always looking to improve and maintain… with that said…. (so exciting)….

The shop will be replacing some of the 12 inch saws with new ones!!! 
To fund this big expense the club will auction 3 nice specimens at the monthly meetings. Proceeds from our June 1st Rock Swap will also go towards the cost of the saws. Donations are always accepted at the shop and the monthly meeting. 

So be sure to stop by the meeting which is next Tuesday, May 21st! A presentation on the New Geology Timeline will be given by Diane Brownly.  As always, bring a dish to share if you can.

Dallas Gem And Mineral Society - Monthly Meeting